The International Day of Happiness
All photos featured in this blog are by Jenn Clara Photography
The International Day of Happiness was founded by a United Nations special advisor by the name of Jayme Illien, as a means of pushing forward the global happiness movement. Jayme Illien conceptualized the idea for a day that recognized the pursuit of happiness as a human right and “fundamental human goal”. Selected to fall on March 20 of every year, in line with the March Equinox, the International Day of Happiness was developed as a means of highlighting one of the major goals of the UN, which was “happiness for the entire human family”.
The International Day of Happiness, since it’s inception and first official celebrated day on March 20, 2013 has sparked multiple initiatives centering around happiness. is the official website of the International Day of Happiness. Another associated website includes which offers two free workbooks titled “One Day of Fluent Happiness” and “Happiness in the Workplace Every Day” for all visitors to their website. Finally, The Secret Society of Happy People offers International Happiness Day graphics that can be shared on social networks, and also attempts to define various types of happiness through 31 different categories.
As part of celebrating the International Day of Happiness, we asked a handful of Yogalifers what their “happiness hacks” are. We wanted to get to know what pick-me-ups help our fellow staff-members stay positive, and also see where these happiness hacks fall under in The Secret Society of Happy People’s definition of happiness.
Caren on retail therapy and dancing like no one is watching:
For Yogalife owner, Caren Hui, her go-to happiness hacks include going for a walk with a friend or lover, online shopping, and dancing, or as she aptly describes as “turning up the music and shaking that booty”. According to the Secret Society of Happy People, Caren’s happiness hacks would fall under social happiness (walking with a friend), anticipatory happiness (the happiness of looking forward to acquiring something in your life such as online shopping), and playful happiness (dancing for the sake of dancing).
Kristine on good reads and indulgent baths
Kristine’s happiness hacks fall under the category of “Mellow Happiness”. According to their website, feeling mellow includes feeling carefree, and allowing ourselves to be submerged in the moment and enjoy it to its fullest – this includes things like prayer, meditation, taking a walk, diving into a good book or listening to music. For Kristine, a luxurious bath, with a lot of bath salts and essential oils, paired with a good book, and a tasty beverage is a surefire way to get her on the road to happy when she’s feeling down.
Sarah on giving back to her friends and family
Sarah’s happiness hacks, while considered “Social Happiness” also falls under the category of “Giving Happiness” as well as “Helping Happiness”. Sarah considers her joy to come from making those around her happy, especially when the kind gestures are unexpected. This can include making friends or family their favorite food by surprise, leaving cute notes to bring a smile to their faces, or helping people out with a task that they need completed.
Dean on being creative
As for me? My happiness hacks lately fall under the category of “Inspired Happiness”. To nurture my creative side, I’ve reignited my love for photography, and writing (like putting together a few blog posts), and have sought inspiration in the people and environment around me. This has also given me another avenue to give back to my friends and family in a different way – I’ve found photography a great way to connect with people on another level, helping to facilitate the “Social Happiness” side of my life.
Happiness comes in many different forms, so finding our own version of happiness, and developing a method of acquiring it will be different from person to person. Share with us your Happiness Hacks!
The Yogalife Team wishes you the best on The International Day of Happiness!
For more information on the International Day of Happiness visit their website at:
For more information on The Secret Society of Happy People and their 31 definitions of happiness visit their website at: