Foundation Friday: Fall Deeper



October: Bold, earthen colours float amongst the the fall foliage. Leaves whiz atop the earth in a dizzying haze. Us Edmontonians savour the all-too-short time to run about in our fall scarves and jackets, sipping warming teas, and feasting on the foods of the fall harvest (like pumpkin-spiced everything) before the heavy winter sets in. Routines that fell away during summer return to their regular rate, and maybe you're finding yourself craving some time in the hot room again. This month, we're focusing on falling deeper into practice—we will be sharing our favourite self-healing practices and ways to glow from the inside out. Come along with us on the blog and in our studios as we move through a journey of self-love and healing!


Foundation Friday: Love-Yourself Affirmations

Affirmation the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed emotional support or encouragement


A huge part of self-love is physically telling yourself how and why you love you.  Affirmations are these personal statements; they encompass anything you need to plant within you at that moment.  The result is an increased positive self-perception that can condition your subconscious mind to get on board with your needs and goals.  Just as you can create a damaging inner effect by constantly negative self-talking and keeping ourselves down, you can reverse the pattern and get on your own team through dedication to your positive affirmations. Shifting your thoughts from negative to positive can truly shift your life.



How do I get there?


1. Choose your affirmations for YOU Allowing your script to come from a place of what YOU need is important. Think about your goals, needs, desires, and let that guide the words.


2. Write down what you love about yourself It can be a daunting task to compliment yourself, but it is a huge part of letting the self-love pour in. Sit with a pen and paper and record everything you love about you. This will help you gain the confidence you need to let your affirmations land and work. Use present tense for this writing: I am beautiful. I am strong. I am worthy.


3. Replace the negative Think about all the negative scripts you rattle off in your head - this may be a written physical list too. For each one, find its positive counterpart. Use this positive list to counteract the negative. Be vigilant in changing your language to yourself.


4. Prioritize As you go through this process and start creating your lists and really looking at your language, you may find there is a lot to sift through. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, prioritize what your most immediate goals and needs are and then focus on those. The other things may just fall into place! Once you see improvements in one area you can move onto the next.


5. Write it down You've had lots of practice writing things out by now! Continue that with your chosen affirmations. Choose to create these as "I can" and "I will" statements. See yourself achieving your goals!


6. Repetition is key Find yourself coming to your affirmations multiple times a day through different mediums. Writing them in your journal, on your bathroom mirror, the fridge, the front door, on your yoga mat, in your car... keep letting the positive energy of your words take you into a deeper self-love.


We'd love to hear your experience with self-love, goal-setting and affirmations. Connect with us on our Facebook page or get the conversation going around the studio next time you're in. We love this stuff and we love YOU!




Ayurveda with Ian Hayward


Beautiful Words from Dean Tumibay