Featured Yogi of the Month: Krishnamacharya



It's time for a little history lesson as we highlight the life and work of the man referred to as "the father of modern yoga", Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Credited with the revival of hatha yoga and the constructor of vinyasa (combining breath with movement), Krishnamacharya is one of the most influential yoga teachers of the 20th century.

As you deepen into the origins and philosophy of yoga it is likely you may become a bit obsessed with Krishnamacharya.  Not only could he stop his own heartbeat (a real crowd favourite), but he held degrees in all six darśanas, or Indian philosophies.  What may resonate most with yogis is his underlying principle of teaching:


“Teach what is appropriate for an individual.”

Although known worldwide for his contributions as a yogi, Krishnamacharya was known in India mainly as a healer.  He combined knowledge from Ayurvedic and yogic traditions with the common goal of restoring health and wellness.  He travelled around India promoting yoga through demonstrations and transferring knowledge through lectures.  Through all of his teachings, Krishnamacharya held true to his philosophy of making the practice unique  and accessible for the student's capacity.



Some of Krishnamacharya's students include B.K.S. Iyengar and K. Pattabhi Jois, two of the most renowned and influential teachers in the world. Let that sink in... he taught the some of the world's best teachers!  These guys invented this stuff.

It is amazing to be connected to the history of this practice, regardless of where you're at in your yoga journey.

Stay tuned for more featured yogis.  Our goal is to educate you on those who inspire us, whether they hail from India, L.A. or YEG.  Namaste!



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